Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 2 post surgery

Ok we are IMPATIENTLY waiting for news this week. Seems weird to say I want to start chemo but I want to keep going with my treatment. My hair and I spent some time together and decided we are ready to part ways. I have a lead in some good anti-nausea drugs, I have some blankets, books etc to take with me to treatment. So although I said my hospital vacation didnt meet my expectations I am ready to try another trip.

Georgia is so excited to start school and I am so glad. Her zest for life keeps me focused.

If I say it a million times it will still never be enough but THANK YOU. Thank you for your support and love we are so very grateful.

Stay tuned...
More exciting posts are coming soon as I am feeling better so the negative energy is disappearing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kim, I just want to tell you how inspired I am by your attitude. I really believe that you will kick your cancer's butt and that your hair will return better than ever! Your ability to find humour is such a difficult situation is one of your strongest assets.

    My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family since I first learned about your fight from our good friend Kim Armstrong.

    Love and big hugs to you,
    Kim Kadey (formerly Preteau)
