Friday, September 27, 2013

Results are in...

Thank you everyone for your support it has and continues to mean so much to us. It was a very long day and I apologize for not posting last night but after getting home we crashed. Our goal was to be healthy enough to do treatment and that is what we are. I was given a diagnosis of Stage 2 and that means we can do treatment. I knew because it had spread before surgery and so quickly that we were not stage 1 but there was a possibility that if it spread in the last 5 wks again that it would be stage 4 that was a fear but did not happen. Yay!!!

After 3 yes 3 internal exams ( not sure how that was for my husband to witness) from my oncoligist, the head radiologist and a student since it is a teaching hospital. Then they discussed options of treatment but first our Dr told us he was happy to say no new growths. Whewwwww. John and I took a breath for the first time in weeks, months really.

The cancer is still there but on a microscopic level. Sarcoma is tricky and likes to hide and attach so yes there is a risk if it attacking again so we are attacking it agressivley with treatment. They as John would say are going after it "all gunz a blazin". Next week I get more Ct scans, bloodwork, etc then I begin the next battle. I will do 5 wks of daily external radiation then 1 wk of internal radiation followed by chemo every 2 wks for 6 months. Over 7 months of treatment... Look out cancer. Alot of zapping should beat it and kill it. Cant say I will miss it once it is gone. Say goodbye cancer we are going in for the kill.

The treatment also kills healthy cells so there will be side effects but good news is eventually health cells will repair themselves. So I will keep as healthy and rested as possible. I will deal with things as they come. I know I will be exhausted and I may lose my hair, my nails, I may sleep some days all day but hair grows back and so will I. I will be better and stronger than ever.

Although we will never know the future we now know that we can plan one. Whewww!!! Yes we had to discuss and plan for a stage 4 diagnosis too and although it was painful it was necessary. It gave us the chance to discuss  living our life and dreams. What we wanted for our family. A second chance at life really.

We knew that it was going to be a marathon not a sprint. I have healed well from surgery and  will bounce back from treatment just as succsessfully. Thanks to the love and support we have recieved.


Today I am off to get a tooth pulled, the dentist couldnt touch me till I stopped the blood thinners.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our vision board

We are focusing on keeping positive. We made a vision board today. We included HEALTH as a focus but also included some other really important visions. We put FAMILY, home, travel with visions of Las Vegas and Disneyland and closer to home Vancouver and interior BC. We added Triumph, Long Life, Happiness, Laughter and Celebrate. For fun we also added... Millionaire, cash & prizes figured it couldn't hurt... Haha.

Then we decorated for fall which was entertaining and good for some laughter too. See we decorated with some hay bales and plastic pumpkins then realized today was a windy day. Hay and pumpkins all over... Haha. We made a craft about giving thanks. We are going to add a new thank you everyday. We will post a thank you Thursday after our appt... Thank you for good news, fingers crossed. Now to get my Doctor, Nurses and Patholigist on the same page as us. I can be very persuasive... Just ask my husband. :-)

So much living, loving and giving for us to do and such a wonderful future ahead. We are creating a new path filled with happy memories.

Thank you to our family and friends for your support.
Hugs xoxo

Friday, September 20, 2013

NEW date

Got a new appt date for next Thursday. Thanks to Heather and Dayna for helping out.

We stayed focused and positive today by doing another Terry Fox walk at Georgia's school. G took off running, I walked it was so awesome everyone was doing the run/walk and students cheerleading all along the way. After there was a band, and a party at the school. It was the perfect afternoon.
Thanks to my amazing daughter for her positive energy. Thanks to Charlotte for walking with me and Myra for running for me at her school.
So very blessed I am.
We were able Hugs

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So I was to finally get my results tomorrow. I have kept busy all week trying to get to Thursday... Then I get a call today. Appointment for tomorrow is cancelled. What? I went to a healing touch appt yesterday and tried to keep busy today. I am starting to go crazy waiting for results. Need to know what we are facing. But no control so... We WAIT. I will keep positive do some meditation and wait. Aghhhh. Ok that was my vent. Cannot be stressed or feel stressed so I will move forward.

Thanks for the support.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Times like this...

This weekend is the Terry Fox run. We are doing it. Although we were not given the ok to run since it is too soon after surgery. We are going to walk the 2k. He was truly an inspiration and he was 1 man trying to make a difference. I remember Mom and I doing the Terry Fox run after Dad died and the feelings even as a kid about what he  (Terry Fox) accomplished, how amazing. When explaining my cancer to Georgia she seemed to understand. Then one day she overheard me on the phone saying I had sarcoma like Terry Fox. When I got off the phone she said Mommy... Are you going to die like Terry Fox? Hard question for a little girl to ask and me to answer. But instead we talked about what Terry Fox did, what he accomplished for cancer research. We talked about how we can make a difference in the world and how miracles can happen. Kids learn about Terry Fox journey every year and they participate in the run. It has been taking place for over 30 years. So important to share stories of heros with our kids. I think it helped her understand our diagnosis.

So our family will walk tomorrow to help us believe and show our daughter what miracles look like.

Believe in miracles... Terry Fox did

The link is not working but if you go to you tube and search Terry Fox it is the Times like this video it is about 5min long. It is motivational and amazing. He spent the last years of his life raising awareness. Unbelievable.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another try...

So I sadly posted awhile ago about my anger at cancer and the fact that it stole my opportunity to go out with my husband. I refused to let it win. My Mom left on Sunday so on Sat we sent G out with her grandparents and John and I went out for dinner by ourselves. I still have a hard time getting comfortable so we chose a restaurant with soft chairs ( also good food). Dinner was awesome and it was so nice going out the last time was in April. We thought lets go to a movie too. While by the time I slowly walked back to the car and spend forever getting in my seat we knew the movie would have to wait. One step at a time.
We have the choice. I have the choice to be angry (which I have been sometimes) or I can choose to just accept it and make the best of it. I choose to make the best of it.
Cancer has changed me already, not just by the inside (or scars on the outside), it is changing me. It has made me worry less... Ok well more specifically have less fear. Which is ironic cause I am worried and fearful about the cancer. I am less fearful about living my life. If you think about it I never used to post on facebook or request friends or even "like" a status. I kept to myself. But thanks to cancer ( I know weird to thank cancer) I am participating in life with my families and my friends.

Thank you as always for being such a source of strength, support, wisdom and for just being there.
Hugs xoxo

Our weekend

Well we tried to keep busy this weekend. We ( John) picked the veg from the garden then made pickles.This was John's second year with a garden and it is amazing. A wise cousin of mine reminded me to keep busy and that will help time pass. So we made snack bags for Georgia to take to school. She colored the butterflies and we both had fun doing something together. We made 35 cause we had no idea how many kids in her class.

Georgia had testing with juijitsu and got her orange belt. Whoo hoo. She really wanted to have her hair cut to her shoulders so we started by cutting 5inches off. It was at her butt so she needed it cut. We also had a fashion show courtesy of Georgia. She picked out school outfits for two weeks put them on hangers with shoes and headbands for each outfit.

See very busy. Felt like a normal weekend. Felt like a healthy normal person. Forgot for a moment that I have cancer... Then my husband came at me with a shot. Ouch ok it was nice while it lasted.
Hugs xoxo