Thursday, August 8, 2013

A word from the Husband

This by far is the hardest thing I have personally ever had to face in my life. I have seen my fair share of issues in life that's for sure. But no matter what you go through in life, nothing can prepare you for learning that your wife has something destroying her.
I have been told I have big shoulders, and I know that I can keep somewhat in control in a stressful situation. But, panic, fear, anger are all just a few of the emotions I have gone through over the last couple of weeks. Kim always tells me that I'm a man, I feel the need to want to fix things.....well this one I cant fix.
I want to thank all of those people who are wanting to help us get through this. But like so many of you know I'm not a big talker, its a big step for me to even help on this blog. But I will update with news after surgery.

We have a very good friend that is helping us by coordinating all the offers of help that we have been given. Megan Ray-Kowalchuk is putting something together for us during our recovery time. So if you are asking how to help you can send Megan an email and ask her if you can help. Her email is:

Thank you again for you support, 'till next time you hear from me.



1 comment:

  1. John,
    Thank you and Kim for taking the time to update everyone on the day to day. Her Priddis family thinks about her daily and we are all here to do whatever we can to help as well. Sending positive vibes.

    Love, Leah & Tyler & the Priddis Greens family.
