Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Well my next new job has begun. Surgery...check all good. Radiation...check all good. Chemo... Just the beginning.

Did well on Day 1 and recieving the Red Devil as its nicknamed. My nurse Megan was the best. She found a vein so there was no burning. She sat with us and pushed the chemo in by GIANT needles... Crazy.

Thanks to Megan Kowalchuk for getting G to school and Alesha for the beautiful blanket.

When we got home we were good until G got home and the anti nausea drugs wore off. So I struggled and did stay in bathroom cause I was sick. All to be expected so ok. I have an amazing absolutely amazing husband so he got G organized after school made them both dinner (I was not up for eating). He got her to bed, cleaned up after me ( the puke bucket). He had to be super careful and use gloves since its poisin for the first 48hrs. He made me mint tea took me up to bed along with gingerale, crackers and love. Not the evening in bed that movies are made of. But let me say... I never felt so loved.

So they say days 4-7 are the worst so its take things day by day for now. Most importantly 1 treatment down whoo hoo.

Hugs and thank you for your continued well wishes. I am a tough kid so I will get thru. Xoxo

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