Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So I was to finally get my results tomorrow. I have kept busy all week trying to get to Thursday... Then I get a call today. Appointment for tomorrow is cancelled. What? I went to a healing touch appt yesterday and tried to keep busy today. I am starting to go crazy waiting for results. Need to know what we are facing. But no control so... We WAIT. I will keep positive do some meditation and wait. Aghhhh. Ok that was my vent. Cannot be stressed or feel stressed so I will move forward.

Thanks for the support.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kim, I came on today to tell you that I was thinking of you because I knew you were to get your results. I cannot begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Believe that all things happen for a reason and there is a greater power at work here. Easy for me to say as I sit on my key board typing away I know. Stay strong hopefully you will have the answers you need soon. Sending many hugs and positive vibes your way.
